Wordsanctuary Revisited

Musings of a writer-teacher-counselor.

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Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I am inquisitive and have worked in writing, editing, and teaching. I am a citizen of the USA and also concerned about the world. This is an addendum to my original blog, Wordsanctuary. That's at www.wordsanctuary.blogspot.com Please check out my column at www.insidehighered.com, "A Kinder Campus." Click on Career Advice to find it. Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Out of School and Back to Blogging

It was an exciting term with so much to do. I am barely catching my breath. This winter in Cleveland seemed to drag a bit. I was able to write while tutoring and teaching, and I'm very grateful that a number of these essays and articles saw publication. Here are three, for the curious:

"Words to Live By"
"Spice Up Retirement"
"Afterglow From the MLA"

I love to teach, but writing recharges me in a private, creative way. Each project completed -- with its movement up, down, sideways, forwards, and back -- gives me another "case study" I could use some time in class.

But, even if I don't, it allows me to work in tandem with students--a parallel process, even if they don't know about it. I can remember the copy negotiations, the work to get an audience to understand, the struggle to capture ideas into words.

A moment or two of wonder goes a long way, also.

As a writer, I work with my hands. Right before Mother's Day, I got to pick up something truly amazing and a bit sad to watch, a fledgling robin that had broken a wing and was tossed from its nest after some fierce winds in Cleveland. It is recuperating at Penitentiary Glen in Kirtland, a wonderful place for birds and for people.



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